
The Politics of EU-China Economic Relations | Discussion

Americké centrum, Tržiště 13, Praha 1 – Malá Strana
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About the Event

Prof. Crookes will briefly assess EU-China relations generally before focusing in more depth on trade, investment, and technology cooperation. Professor Paul Irwin Crookes will also aim to include a Brexit impact assessment in these particular policy areas and reflect on the current U.S.-China relations. The Q&A session offers an opportunity to take forward particular points raised during the lecture in greater depth. 

The lecture and the Q&A will be in English. In cooperation with Association for International Affairs.

Speaker: Professor Paul Irwin Crooke – Director of Graduate Studies, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies; Associate Professor, Contemporary China Studies, University of Oxford 


Bio: Paul Irwin Crooks’ research examines UK-China economic relations after Brexit and the politics of EU-China relations. He embarked on his academic career after working for 20 years in the international IT industry, which took him on various work assignments beyond the UK to the United States, continental Europe, India and China. During this time, he provided consulting services to many different kinds of organisations, including high-tech start-ups, multinational corporations, EU institutions, and national government agencies. Paul is currently based at Oxford, teaching China’s foreign policy. Prior to this, he was a lecturer at the University of Manchester where he taught on the international relations of East Asia. He holds MPhil and PhD degrees from the Centre of International Studies at the University of Cambridge.

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